National Democratic Party of Germany... Real Life Nazis
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Jamel... walk through this village and you might think that time has stopped. Stopped somewhere between 1930 and 1940.
Locals salute one another... in the Hitler fashion. They might not all be wearing jackboots, but most do prefer that sorta footwear. And most might not own a rifle, but most practice shooting in the woods near by.
Now here at Alder's Ledge we believe in the right to bear arms... then again, we are American. The peoples of Jamel are not. They believe in the right to bear arms only if you are "Arian"... a fantasy race of people to whom Hitler didn't even belong.
The part that is most disturbing however is the fact that places like Paris and Berlin are but a short drive down the road (as is most anything in Europe compared to us here in the Americas). And this fascist fixation upon the far right is spreading much faster than their cars can travel... autobahn or not.
The National Democratic Party of Germany (note that Democrat is part of their name) has fostered the rise of neo-Nazi sentiment in the region in which Jamel lay. The infamous Sven Krüger, high ranking NDP member, lives near Jamel. And as such, the NPD has now sought out to purchase their way to prosperity in the region.
Much like the old Third Reich, the Nationalist attempt to squeeze out those who don't agree with their totalitarian methods. They use business and pleasure as weapons to isolate their opponents. And in the end... if you don't join the party, well the party will just have to come and get you.
Since 2006 the NPD have been in local government in Pomerania. Since then they have elicited responses from the more liberal fascist (the Social Democratic Party) such as; they are a "form of terror". And this much might just be true seeing as how the NPD uses organized crime to bully their opponents into submission.
However, despite the opinions of the European press and other domestic sources, the rise of the far right in Europe is not limited at all. Groups across Europe, from England to Hungary, are pushing for the "tolerance" of more "progressive" thinking parties. Groups such as the National Democratic Party in Germany are not rare anymore. They are growing in number and are becoming more and more bold with each passing election cycle.
With this rise in Nazi style politics comes the threat to minorities that Europe has already proven incapable or uninterested in protecting. Groups like the Roma are just the common punching bags of the European "police states". In the years to come we may be seeing the Judenrein of Hitler's dreams come to pass.
In the Netherlands if you go to see a "football" match you might get to hear the infamous antisemitic chants of the local "infidels".
“Hamas! Hamas! All Jews into the gas!”
Local Muslims, and the other Feyenoord Rotterdam fans, chant this wretched hymn every time they play Amsterdam Ajax. Hitler would have been proud.
But this mind numbingly stupid chant is not limited to the football fields of the Netherlands. Like many other parts of Europe, Holland is witnessing the rise of Nazi style political parties in its own elections. Norway, Finland, Sweden, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, France, Austria, England, Ireland, and Scotland are all being overrun by the fascist rats.
So once again we must wonder, what will happen when they first come for the Roma? Do we not know where that poem ends? Or shall we forget once more when the jackboots start marching and the sounds of Nazi hymns start echoing once more? The night of broken glass is coming... the question is, this time will be ready?
If we have learned nothing from the fall of the Third Reich we have learned but this... evil needs nothing to succeed but for good men to stand by and do nothing. We must fight them in the streets... we must fight them in realm of reason and ration... and if of these they will have none... we must fight them with both tooth and nail.
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