Get out
When Hitler came to power in the 1930s Germany was ripe with anti-Semitism. The foundation for his Holocaust against the Jews had already been laid out before he even arrived. In Russia the pogroms had shown anti-Semitic Germans how to rid themselves of the unwanted untouchables. Now days the rise of anti-Semitism in modern Europe has laid out the foundation for a second Holocaust.
With the influx of Islamic immigrants to European countries has come the old Berber form anti-Semitism. The belief that a true jihad should be launched to form a Judenrein Europe however is not solely Islamic in nature. The use of Hitler's phrase for a "Jew free empire" should tell you who else is to blame.
Complacent to the will of Berber Muslims, Dutch whites seem to be more than willing to encourage this new injection of anti-Semitism. When the Muslims started shouting "Hamas, Hamas! All Jews to the Gas!" the white Dutch just smile and laugh. They seem to have forgotten Anne Frank.
In Sweden the Jewish community has to install bulletproof glass in their synagogues. Their kindergartens have to have thick steel doors to keep the threat of violence out. The Swedish government (especially the Social Democratic Party there) however blames the victims of "antagonizing" and "flaunting" their attackers.
A trip to the southern town of Malmö, Sweden, will quickly open the eyes of tourist. The Jews there are persistently harassed by their neighbors. Violent attacks on the Jewish population happen nearly every day... especially over the weekend or on shabbat. These attacks happen so often that the Swedish government has issued warning to Jewish tourist to "exercise extreme caution" (they however will not take action to stop the attacks).
Frits Bolkestein, a leading Dutch politician, has recently urged his country's "visible Jews" to immigrate to the United States or Israel. His motive for this statement appears to be honest concern for the safety of the Jewish community in Holland. In his opinion there is no future for Judaism is the Netherlands.
While Dutch politicians encourage the "Orthodox Jews" to leave the Dutch citizens seem to be looking for ways to kick them out.
Contrary to "common knowledge" the Dutch were complacent to Hitler's deportations and executions of Netherlander Jews. Anne Frank, like most other Dutch Jews, was after all sold out by a "complacent reaper". Now days the locals in Holland seem to be just as willing to sell out the Jews in Holland to the "hounds of Hell" they have unleashed upon them.
The Hounds...
Both the Berber immigrants and the homegrown racist in Holland agree on one key issue... neither believe that Israel has any claim to legitimise. Both believe that "Zionist" are behind the rise of Israel after World War Two. Most of the racist even believe that the Holocaust never happened... and openly admit to this dumbfounding and stupid belief.
Letting the Muslims bring their form of aggressive anti-Semitism with them into Dutch society has led to a drastic hike in anti-Semitic attacks. Yet the radical beliefs of these immigrants is far from being the sole reason for the drastic increase in attacks on Jews since 2000.
The dogs with the most teeth in this fight still happen to be the native Dutchmen. Still sticking to 1943 style politics, the Dutch have never reconciled with their sins of World War Two. Instead the collaborators in Holland, those who worked with the Nazis, were rewarded when the Dutch government returned from exile in England. And every since, well the Dutch have continued to reward those who attack the Dutch Jewish community.
In Brandenburg, Germany Jews are told to avoid wearing their yarmulkes and other "visible signs" of "Jewishness". Note that this German State is just east of the old seat of the Third Reich. Yet Germany claims that this warning is just a "precaution" to "protect the local Jewish community".
The difference between Germany and Holland is rather clear however.
In Germany the racist attacks on Jews is being carried out directly by native born Germans. In Bernau the local synagogue has been defaced with swastikas almost regularly for years now. Verbal assaults on Jews have begun to become physical and rather violent attacks. All the while the local government has done little or nothing to prosecute or stop the attacks.
When asked about the attacks on Jews in Brandenburg, Antje Grabley tried to flaunt a local report that stated Brandenburg had the lowest levels of anti-Semitism in all of Germany. So just guess how Jews fare in the rest of Germany.
The fact is that Europe is being overrun by far-right extremist who are very deeply embedded in their anti-Semitic beliefs. They, despite being unwilling to fight wars for freedom, are more than willing to launch the "jihad" for a Judenrein Europe. Their governing bodies do not wish to stop the attacks and their citizen populations are funding and fueling the "hounds of Hell".
Left unleashed the attackers will continue to escalate their violence. The rollar coaster ride of the economy in Europe will continue to feed new soldiers into their ranks. And the lack of punishment for their actions will drive them to become more and more blatant in their attacks.
And that is why we here at Alder's Ledge are keeping our eyes open. We will "Scream" till the world can bear our voices no more. We will fight these new Nazis on the beaches... in the fields and in the streets... in the realm of reason and ration, we shall overcome. Never surrender, never forget, we shall Scream till our throats bleed and our voices fail us.
A Message to my Friends... Wake UP.
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Source Documents for this Post.
American Thinker Blog
Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Israel National News - Online
Spiegel Online
Family Security Matters
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