More From Alder's Ledge

December 3, 2010

We Wish To Inform You...

That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families

A Brief History of Pogroms and Organized Chaos

American Style

The very word Pogrom means to literally "wreak havoc". It is a relatively new Russian word with ancient roots in human history. And in most incidents it is used to describe organized killings of Jewish communities in highly antisemitic cultures. Yet for the most part these sorts of attempts to "demolish violently" in part or in whole have been used against any minority.
In the United States we have witnessed these sorts of "state sponsored terrorism" in our recent past... we far to often ignore them and hide them. Under General Custer's dirty flag of freedom we marched into the West with one goal... "to demolish violently" the native way of life. Like the Spanish Conquistadors that came before us, we introduced a way of thinking not to different from the natives. The only difference was that we had the "human waves" to back our hatred and annihilate the peoples of the plains.
If you talk to very many average blue color working Americans you will find that the "Arab" is our new Native American. Among the liberal "upper crust" the Muslim is a novelty to be admired from afar... still not to be fully embraced. Among the conservative "working class" Islam is a foreign invader ready to rape and pillage... in much the same way they painted the Native American. And yet we hide away our animosity in much the same manner as our forefathers did; silently waiting for the opportunity to launch our assault.
The Hispanic community has gotten even less respect in recent history. But that is even more taboo to bring up than the "Arab". Yet here I go...
With a broad brush we often paint with fabricated numbers and bloated statistics the entire Latin community as "illegal aliens". When we feel generous we give them the titles of "immigrant", "migrant workers", or simply "illegals". But for the most part the goal is segregation. We seem to willfully forget that if you go back far enough even the Native American is an immigrant to this continent.
Forget about how we treated the blacks, gypsies, Japanese, Chinese, gays, or Jews. The cases for the Native Americans, Muslims, and Hispanics most clearly make my case for why we here at home are far from exempt from the hatred that feeds widespread "havoc". After all, we have made our own concentration camps... we have organized government to slaughter the weak... and we have washed our hands of innocent blood.
So how do pogroms get started?
"Where one or more are gathered..." evil will always be lingering close behind. After all, we are a species born to sin and to sin we so often turn. This just happens to be the worse form of sin we far too often take to. With our prejudice always at the front of our arsenals we take up arms when the world offers us "change".
With the harsh introduction of "radical Islam" we took up arms for good reasons against foreign foes. But for those left behind to fight upon the home front... we needed a face to a foe who dared not raise its head in public. For this we painted all Muslims as al-Quada or "radicals". For some, this meant that we were not at war with any particular sect of Islam but rather with Islam itself.
No greater lie has been spread since that fateful September.
Now we face a sect of Westerners that have "radicalized" as once again the world they knew changed... and abruptly at that. The conservative values of even liberal Muslims are now subjected to Western prejudice while Mormons are allowed to abuse their children. Lies about Islam are born and bread by people who have not even once read the Koran. Let alone the fact that most of us here in the United States know absolutely nothing about the Muslim's traditions or even their religion.
But this is a potential pogrom in the making. We don't have a government these days that will allow the masses to arm themselves and thus descend upon the Muslim community to "wreak havoc". Thank God.
We do however have a government that will not, mainly due to conservative fears, more aggressively identify "hate groups". Therefore the government can not nor will not prosecute hate group members for hate crimes when they do in fact happen. And for this reason the rise of violence against Muslims and their mosque continues.
A true pogrom against the Muslims in America would and could happen if the far right were allowed to organize a political party without public condemnation. Like the "brown shirts" in Washington during World War Two, this party would rise upon the growing prejudice against "common foes" such as the Muslims or Latinos. Ascending in power the group would need to quench the thirst of hatred amongst it members. So like other public figures, this group would allow publicly or in party memos the organized chaos that would follow. Like Krystalnaucht, the violence would be backed by the politician yet carried out by the people. Attacks would break out with true "havoc" being achieved almost over night. Only due to opposition by the Left, hopefully, the violence would end with the targeted community bloodied and in hiding.
I know that most reading this are probably upset that I am using America as my example while Europe is currently in the midst of government backed pogroms... but we must never forget just how vulnerable to Hitler's lures we truly are.
We have in our past raised hidden camps in isolated places in attempts to demoralize and destroy targeted communities. Like it or not, we have proven time and time again that we as Americans are far more than capable of uniting as the Nazis did in our hatred.
Indiana was once the site of a Osama like figure. Tecumseh, the military side of "radicalized" native society, led a "holy war" against the invading whites. Relentless in his attempts to destroy or at least demoralize the white Americans, Tecumseh launched, at times suicidal, attacks on much larger foes. His prejudice were of course formed out of his realization that the world as he knew it was changing... shrinking.
In my opinion, Islam has only radicalized due to... in part, the shrinking of the world the Middle Eastern Muslims once knew. The other factors are of course the many promises the West has made and broken (another link in my mind to Tecumseh). Then you have the exploitation of the Middle Easterners' resources (again Tecumseh). And finally the fact that Western ideals are being and have been forced upon the Arab world for decades now (most of which are incompatible with Islam itself).
Attacking Pigeon Roost, a band of natives linked to Tecumseh, massacred the local citizens without resistance. The fact that they then sliced the gut of a white women who was pregnant to make certain her baby was dead only galvanized the white Americans' hatred. So in response, orders were given to the Indiana Rangers to take no prisoners and spare nothing... woman, child, or animal.
The war from this point was one of burning abhorrence for the enemy on both sides. And in each camp the orders were interpreted to include the use of "pogroms" to strip the enemy of its will to fight.
Tecumseh would go on to target white settlements he knew to be unarmed and without young men to protect them. White men we here in Indiana hail as heroes made names for themselves by slaughtering Native American women and children while the "braves" were away. In both camps these were known as "targets of opportunity".
Pogroms are often carried out against "targets of opportunity". They are carried out by people who are either well armed or just plain better armed than their targets (in Rwanda the pogroms that grew into genocide were often carried out with machetes). In every case the targets most harassed are women, children, and old men. Young men that can fight back are mainly attacked when they are severely out numbered or unarmed. These tactics are almost universal in both pogroms carried out under the fog of war and pogroms that are carried out ahead of war or genocide.
At Wounded Knee the American cavalry and light infantry used the fog of war to cover up their genocidal acts. Knowing that the "enemy" or "target of opportunity" was vulnerable in the dead of winter the American Army attacked. In the same fashion of Hitler's Blitz, the Army made certain to shoot every woman and child they could find (in my opinion this was to force the tribe's men to fight since their families were now dead). It was then recorded that American soldiers walked among the dead with pistols in hand. Shooting those who survived the initial blitz... these SS like warriors finished the job.
The goal of a pogrom is simple. The perpetrators want one of two things. They either want the targeted community to leave the claimed territory or to gather in designated community areas. In the second of these two the goal is to form ghettos. Next, once ghettos are formed, the pogroms intensify and the genocide officially begins.
To better understand what the Roma in Europe are going through I decided before writing this brief history and introduction into "pogroms" that we should first understand how they work. I fully believe that we should be aware of this and understand that in no way are we here at home immune to such acts.
I will be writing more this month on clear cut cases of "pogroms" and genocide due to the Roma in Eastern Europe who are undergoing a clear cut case of "government backed pogroms". I hope you understand that I am not targeting America or Americans for any undue criticism. I believe that as Americans we should recognize both the great wonderful things we have accomplished and the nightmares we have wrought upon others. In this belief, I therefore believe other nations and peoples should do the same... i.e. Turkey and the Europeans at large.
My next example will be the Armenian Pogrom in Baku during January 1990. This will be an example of a pogrom being used to "expel the undesirables". And it will be only a temporary break from my look at American pogroms and genocides.
Please keep reading and please have an open mind when it comes to this rather unpleasent part of our history. After all, if we do not learn from our past we are damned to repeat it.

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