Anti-Semitism Making A Comeback
The French Front National party is now applying a "feminine" touch to its party... the ousted leader is placing his daughter at the head of the Front National. Jean-Marie Le Pen is now a thing of the past. His daughter Marine however will not fully change the party rhetoric... references to the "gas chambers" will still be present if the Front National wants to win the French Presidency in 2012. However the racist propaganda will simply be made more "family friendly".
When the Democrats wanted to change their image during President George W. Bush's second term they elected a "grandma" figure as Speaker of the House. Marine will simply fill this same need on behalf of the Front National.
In a recent release by the United State's State Department France's anti-Semitic incidents have risen by 300 percent since 2009. These said incidents involve public figures slandering Jews in general, defacing of synagogues, news papers publishing blatantly anti-Semitic remarks and images, government officials and party leaders committing acts of "blood libel" and slander against Jews in general, and political parties running on openly anti-Semitic platforms. Front National being the lead party to have committed acts of and encouraging acts of anti-Semitism.
States Department Special Envoy Representative, Hannah S. Rosenthal told NewsMax.com that “When you find some rhetoric, whether it’s from a government official, from a religious leader, from a community leader, or in graffiti that calls for killing or harming Jews, that clearly is an incident of anti-Semitism." She went on to clarify; “When Jews are accused of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing and [people] blame all Jews around the world, that’s an act of anti-Semitism. When Jews are accused of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust, that’s an act of anti-Semitism.”
The accurate reporting of new in regards to Israel is not an act of anti-Semitism (according to the States Department and Hannah S. Rosenthal). And yet it has become increasingly rare in Europe to be capable of finding news articles accurately reporting on Israel. It is however easy to find news articles that slander the state of Israel and openly question its legitimacy.
While France descends into the grips of the far right the rest of Europe seems to already be already there. Germany now has entire states that are controlled and governed by political parties and politicians that openly admit to being neo-Nazis. The radicals in Germany find time to have shooting practice in the woods near their villages. Others are encouraged to openly attack and drive out their Jewish neighbors.
Hungary on the other hand doesn't need to isolate its right wingers... they already control the federal government there. The Jobbik Party in Hungary (the second largest in Hungary) marches through Jewish neighborhoods with Nazi era flags (flags the Nazi conspirators in Hungary used). All the while they wear Nazi armbands and sign songs that glorify Hitler and the concentration camps. Yet their main target has recently taken the back seat while the Jobbik party attempts to ethnically cleanse its country of its Roma minority.
The Czech Republic and its surrounding neighboring countries all have recently taken their "double genocide" law before the EU so as to openly deny the Holocaust's importance in their nations' histories. Some might argue that in a country where the population openly did the Nazi's dirty work one might want to "forgive and forget". But if we have learned nothing from our combined history as human beings it is that "if we do not learn from our past we are damned to repeat it".
So as the question above stated... What happens when Auschwitz comes back on line?
In a Europe so deeply embedded in economic woes and ethnic tensions Hitler issued the first "Final Solution". Today we look at a Europe that is once again deeply embedded in economic woes and steeped in ethnic and religious tensions (as the Dutch "warning to the visible Jews" points out). Can we be looking at a Europe that could possibly issue a truly final solution of its own?
In my eyes it is a haunting issue that camps like Auschwitz remain in near working condition. Some may argue that the camps could not be used in their present state of existence... but how much work really needs to be done to kill people there? Others may point out the fact that they are reminders of our past and that I agree. But the issue remains, besides rebuilding the gas chambers and furnaces, the camps could now house nearly the same amount of people as they did in World War Two.
Look at the camps we housed the Japanese in during World War Two. How long would it take to rebuild those?
In Europe we witnessed the rebuilding and reconstructing of death camps during the "civil wars" in the Balkans. These death camps, constructed by Serbs, were used to destroy or diminish the targeted population. They were built without concern for the safety or comfort of the imprisoned... for obvious reasons. Thus, these camps took rather little time to bring on line.
With the intent of causing death by design, concentration camps can be constructed quickly and cheaply. They need not be comfortable to live in nor do they need to support human life in even the most primitive form. Thus Auschwitz is possibly already in working order.
So I should go on to ask who would be sent to a newly operational Auschwitz?
Sadly the same groups of people targeted by Hitler would be sent to newly built or refurbished death camp. Roma, mentally ill, any political decenter, anti-socials, and yes... the Jews would be targets once again. The only groups missing in this proposed new Holocaust would be the homosexuals, communist, and Polish (unless they happen to be of any group listed in the targeted list).
A new addition might be added in my opinion. Muslims, who the Europeans invited into their countries yet now resent, could be targeted due to religious differences. Most people who are watching the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe disagree with me due to the stereotype that claims Muslims are "natural enemies" of Jews. However the laws being passed across most of Europe show clearly the "Islamaphobia" taking hold of Europe.
Who would support such a disgustingly historical proposal such as another Holocaust?
Far Right (neo-Nazi style) Parties in Europe as of now...
National Revival of Poland Party- Poland
Jobbik Party- Hungary
National Front- France
Social Democrats- Germany
Republican Party of Germany- Germany
German People's Union- Germany
National Democratic Party- Germany
Social Democratic Party- Austria
Socialist Party- Austria
Austrian People's Party (OVP)- Austria
Freedom Party- Austria (linking itself to the late National Socialist Workers Party)
Party for Freedom- Holland
Pim Fortuyn's List- Holland
Livable Netherlands- Holland
Dansk Folkeparti (Danish Peoples Party)- Denmark
British National Party- England
Fatherland Party- Norway
Progress Party- Norway
Norwegian Patriots- Norway
Norwegian Peoples' Party- Norway
National Democrats- Norway
National Alliance- Norway
Vigrid- Norway
Flemish Block- Belgium
Hellenic Front- Greece
Northern League- Italy
National Alliance- Italy
Popular Party- Portugal
Swiss Peoples' Party- Switzerland
The True Finns- Finland
All the groups listed above have either supported or tried to pass themselves laws that would and could lead to government sanctioned discrimination against Jews and other minorities in Europe. Only a select few of those listed above have not openly admitted that their parties are anti-Semitic in nature. All the rest have leaders who either glorify the "attempts at creating a pure European" Europe. So it is not a far stretch of the imagination to assume that these followers would openly or overtly support the killing or deportation of all minorities in Europe.
So how would the next Holocaust play out?
During Hitler's Holocaust there were clear distinctions between countries in Europe. Borders were closed and people could not be taken across a border without "papers". Today, as long as you are an "acceptable" citizen, people can cross the borders in Europe with much greater ease. The individual countries in Europe no longer retain true sovereignty seeing as how they are now subjected to the laws of the European Union.
If the parties from the said countries were to unite European law just a little more than it already is they could easily ignore the few regulations that still exist. Gaining power across adjoining borders is no longer a concern as it was back when Hitler's Nazi party began fostering sister parties in neighboring countries. The need for sympathies in neighboring countrymen is not needed. Therefore the far right in Europe can easily move targeted communities into the few regions of Europe where the population is considered "rural".
With the targeted communities "out of sight and out of mind" the new death camps can be brought into the modern age. Automated and nearly autonomous in nature, these camps can exterminate the "immigrants and minority populations" without the need to gain the local population's support. Party members could operate without concern of the local populations' moral objections... assuming they would have any.
In this scenario there would be no need for an army or Waffen SS to carry out the orders of racist politicians. The simple following of eugenics (a primitive form of the Evolutionary Theory) could be used to encourage party members into acting in much the same manner as the SS did during World War Two. This use of "reason and rational argument" is often much easier than one might think in getting people to act upon even the most barbaric of desires.
In a study of social behaviors a collage class was able to get students to "administer increasing levels of electric shock" to a perceived "patient". The "authoritative figure" provided to them needed only to offer a little "encouragement" when the "patient" screamed out in agony. Some students even continued to "administer increasing levels of electric shock" once the perceived "patient" ceased to cry out in pain... in effect they were punishing a perceivably dead victim.
The application of this system in real life often occurred during Hitler's reign in Europe. Pol Pott in Cambodia used it to achieve a sadistic rule over his Kempher Rouge. In a proposed "new age" Europe this style of rule would fit the bill to induce a second Holocaust. It could easily be applied to ramp up support for the next "Final Solution".
In the event that this nightmare would come to past, we could only hope that the Europeans would act out militarily against another ally of the United States. However this, the only way to stop this scenario, seems highly unlikely since Europe has shown that is unable or incapable of using its military force upon external threats.
For this reason it is highly important that we get more and more people to become aware of the growing threat of anti-Semitism in Europe. We must keep our eyes upon our neighbors across the pond at all times. It is increasingly clear with each passing election (their elections) that they are quickly backsliding into the sins of their past.
It is very likely that this proposed scenario will never again be repeated upon European soil. But it is also very likely that it will. And for this reason we can not falter in our defense of freedom and the common human liberties and rights and freedoms our God granted every man and woman from birth.
Wake up America... Wake up oh bastion of freedom... Wake up oh sleeping giant.
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